Network Topology
OESS | Administration | Network Topology
New Switches
When a new switch starts communicating with OESS, it waits in a pending aproval state. The pending approval state is to allow an administrator to configure the profile of the device, and verify that the device is suppose to be part of the network. This prevents unintended devices from becoming a part of the OESS network.
Devices that speak NETCONF must be added manually using the Add MPLS switch button.
Name takes the hostname of the device that will be displayed to the user.
Short name is the name of the device as it appears in show isis adjacencies.
The Latitude and Longitude fields are used to specify the location of the device.
Vendor, Model, and Software Version defines which NETCONF module is used by OESS to connect to the device.
After entering the above paramerters, click Add MPLS Device.
Insert a node in the middle
- Approve the new Node in the OESS UI, and verify the proper parameters are set (Maximum Flows, Message Delay, Vlan range)
- Break your existing link and insert into the new node
- Verify in the Admin interface that 2 new links were discovered
- In Admin section click the Network tab and click the circuit to be modified
- Click the decom link button
- OESS will prompt with a message “can not decom, but detected a node in the middle, would you like to migrate” click yes
- Maintenance complete!
Adding Interfaces
The add interface button opens up a map of the Network. Clicking a node on the map will show a list of all the interfaces on the device. Clicking an interface in the list will add that interface to the workgroup.
When running a node in Dual Stack mode (OpenFlow and NETCONF), you will find two of each interface. One interface was discovered using OpenFlow, and the second using NETCONF. Be sure to include both interfaces if you wish to enable provisioning of OpenFlow and NETCONF circuits.
Removing interfaces
To remove an interface from a workgroup click the remove button next to the interface in the Owned Interfaces table.
Interface ACLs
To manage interface ACL rules from the admin section, click on the Network Tab. Click on the node in the map that contains the interface whose ACL rules you wish to modify.
A dialog box that contains the node’s informatin will appear. At the bottom of the dialog is a table of all the interfaces contained within the node. Click the “View ACLs” button in the last column of the table to open a dialog that contains the interface’s ACL information.
From here you can follow the Using the Frontend-ACL documentation for information on how to add, edit, remove, and reorder ACL rules.
Weights / Metrics
By default, a circuit’s shortest path is determined by the hop count between the A and Z endpoints. However, this behaviour can be altered by adding a weight to the intermediate links via the “metric” field. If a weight is added, the path with the lowest aggregate weight will be the shortest path. To modify the metric of a circuit, in Admin section, click the Network tab and click the circuit to be modified. Enter the desired value in the metric field and then click the “Update Link” button.
If there are multiple links between two nodes clicking the line representing the links will cause the Select Link panel to appear. Choose a link and click the Select button to open the link details panel for the link.
Automatic Backbone Move
OESS can detect intraswitch link moves. If a circuit is going from switch A port 1 to switch B port 10, and a technician moves the link to switch A port 2 OESS will detect and automatically move all traffic going over the link to the new port.
No approval or other administrative task is required for this to happen automatically.